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Unlock the Full Potential of Your LabJack Data

Take your LabJack data acquisition to the next level with Machinechat JEDI. Designed for engineers, researchers, and educators, JEDI makes real-time data collection, visualization, and monitoring a breeze.

LabJack Data Acquisition

Instant LabJack Data Collection

Connect your LabJack T4, T7, T8 or Digit and start collecting data in minutes. No complex setup, no coding required.

Image showing Machinechat JEDI dashboard overlayed on LabJack T8

Your LabJack just got better

Supercharge your LabJack with Machinechat JEDI – Seamless data collection and real-time insights at your fingertips. No coding required.

Get your free trial license and secure download links by email

LabJack Data Logging

Data Logging and Historical Analysis

Log and organize your LabJack data with JEDI's built-in time series data logging feature. Analyze historical data to spot trends and anomalies.

LabJack Data Visualization

Customizable Dashboards

Create personalized dashboards for your LabJack data exactly the way you want. Keep an eye on live data or analyze historical trends using any device with a web browser

How it Works


LabJack Data Monitoring

Alerts and Automation

Set up alerts and automate tasks based on your data conditions using JEDI's built-in rules engine. Respond instantly when certain conditions occur and execute scripts to automate.

Your Ultimate LabJack Software

More reasons why you will love Machinechat JEDI

One-File Architecture

One file to run, one file to replace for updates and upgrades

Broad OS Support

Works on your Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi OS computer

One-Time License Fee

Pay once, own it forever. No recurring costs

Open Data Format

Easily integrate with your other tools and workflows

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Machinechat JEDI has built-in support for LabJack T4, T7, T8, and Digit models via industry-standard Modbus-TCP protocol. For other LabJack devices, you can use an external Python plug-in to send data to JEDI. Here's a how-to guide that provides step-by-step instructions:

  • Machinechat JEDI is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi OS, and BeagleBoard Debian operating systems.

  • We support our customers through email and Zoom (in special cases). We offer premium support options to help you get most of your JEDI software. Contact for more information. For detailed documentation, visit:

  • Yes. Please contact for education pricing.

  • You can see pricing and buy JEDI directly from Machinechat or from one of our partners. Click here to visit JEDI's pricing and buy page.

Ready to transform your LabJack experience?

Get your free trial license and secure download links by email

Connect and collect data in minutes without coding

Visualize and analyze your data in real-time 

Track and review historical data for deeper insights

Be proactive with automated alerts and automation

Keep your data local and private with no cloud dependency

Save money and control costs with JEDI's one-time license fee

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